The Case of the Disappearing Blogger

I followed posts from her for quite a while. They all concerned a book she was writing and her updates generated interest from her followers. Then the book was published, since when not a post, not a funeral note. What are we to make of this? There are several possibilities and I am free-wheeling here.

When she was writing the book she consulted her followers quite a bit. Then, when she had finished, there was no further need to do so. They had served their purpose. She had been using them but with little or no interest in them as individuals in their own right.

When she finished her book she finished her motivation with it. Perhaps the act of writing it was keeping her going, giving her a purpose in life which she had now lost.

Or it may have been that when she dropped her stone in the water there were no ripples. She may have found that depressing.

Maybe her life has taken a new direction. She has run off with a bishop, preferably one who had taken a vow of celibacy.

Or for some reason we cannot know, but would understand if we did, she is unable to continue posting.

Who knows?